This Month Called August

I don’t remember the last time I had good night sleep. This month has been torturous, to say the least, but all the same rewarding. I cannot wait for my 2 weeks break starting in September. Reminds me of Green day’s lyrics, ”Wake me up when September ends,” only that I sing it out loud putting in August instead.

For now, I hold on to the little joys I find at night, with the 5 year old kid next door who prays like a preacher, you know, those long prayers with preachings in between, to the point whereby we just have to say Amen even before he is done praying, lol, that kid is too hilarious and unbelievable, but challenging all the same. He is blessed. I do not know where such a kid gets all this wisdom from . He makes my nights. Just maybe because of him my August will end with a smile on my face :).

I Am, Bush_Locked