My Kind of Engagement

I have always thought of how I would like my engagement to be like. I am different in so many ways; I drink hot water even when it’s hot outside, I’d rather have my dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner, I don’t own a dress or a skirt (but I think I should, I’ll change this one), I love social gatherings even though I’m an introvert, I find humor in things that other people don’t, at the same time I will catch a joke two seconds too late, I love my potato crisps with ketchup and my plain yogurt with honey, I don’t like shopping-I find it very stressful especially when I am unable to get exactly what I want, which is the case most of the times. You get the gist, I am just different, and I’d like a different kind of engagement.

I love my family, I don’t like it when we fight. I am like the biggest anti-fighting campaigner in our household and they know it, but when it’s time to laugh, we have a really good time, and we like making fun of each other, that’s how we express our love. Everyone minds their own business though, but when it comes to my engagement, I want it to be every part of their business. I don’t want my guy (I will use ‘my guy’ in reference to…you know…) to engage me first before engaging my family. This might sound a little bit odd, or may come across as old school,  but I consider myself an old soul.

I’d like my guy to sit with my family and make his intentions known to them before he engages me. I was living with my parents when we pretty much had nothing. My kid brother was too young to understand how hard things were, my elder brother was living with my grandparents at the time and my elder sister was in boarding school for most part of it. I was very understanding of the situation despite my young age, I was forced to mature beyond my age, and for this, my parents have always treasured me. Engaging my family is very important to me. I’d like my guy to show them that he cares enough to let them know that he has found love in me and would like to have my hand in marriage. I’d like my family to know that I will always be there for them despite the fact that this charmer wants to take me away from them. I’d like my family to feel comforted that I am being taken into the best hands of an honorable man . Things might not always be smooth but making a commitment to my family that he will take care of me regardless of the situation is what I want my guy to assure my family, because that’s what they did for me when it seemed almost impossible.

I do not like surprises. That’s the other thing that is different about me. I really don’t know how to react to surprises. I remember when my mom bought me my first computer, everyone  in my family decided to surprise me but I surprised them as I wasn’t really surprised! I was happy, but I just didn’t know how to react to the surprise, and after years of so many other surprises, I still don’t know how to react to them. I know engagements are one of the biggest steps in a man’s life and should be like the best moments ever. I know he would love to surprise me, and deep down, I know I want to make the exception and accept to be surprised, but I want to be psychologically prepared for it. My guy doesn’t have to tell me that he will engage me, but I don’t want any big surprise especially with crowds involved. I want it to be in every sense a private and romantic affair. My guy will have known me good enough to know what will work for me and what won’t. Well, I wish him the best of luck, and I hope he will understand if I don’t react as expected, more so, I hope I will be pleasantly surprised for the first time ever and he’d feel on to of the world, like he just hit the jackpot :-D.

I’d like my guy to put the ring on my finger even before he makes the big speech. I know this is unconventional, but I want him to have the confidence that I will say yes. I want him to be without a doubt that I am the woman for him and that I feel the same for him when he puts that ring on my finger. I don’t want a fearful kind of engagement; one that the guy does because he is afraid of losing me! I believe engagements should not be based on unrequited love; we both have to feel the same for each other and be confident about the step that we are taking together.

Well, these are just my thoughts, he doesn’t have to conform to them, but it would mean a great deal if he took these three little things into consideration, and the rest he can use his creative juices to make the engagement insanely cute and unforgettable. A girl can only dream, I hope my simple dream comes true some day ;-).

I Am Bush_Locked 🙂