The Beginning of my New Life

Yesterday was the beginning of my new life, and it was a horrible day! Lol! I relate new beginnings to goodness; like a new job, a new gift, a new boyfriend, a new car, a new house. Isn’t it only natural to believe new things are good? My new beginnings has nothing to do with materially new stuff, if I can put it that way. I decided to make some changes in my life. In terms of attitude, character, priorities, health and fitness, just to mention but a few.

My day had been going on well, was planning to do some jogging in the evening after work, I was putting in all my effort in my work, then the BOSS happened! I give him the crown for a party pooper! My party pooper! I don’t even know what I did wrong. Lol. You know the kind of people who just have a problem with you for something you’ve done, but since they can’t pick on you for that something, they look for something else and explode on you the moment they find it? Yea, so much for my new beginnings :). He killed it for me but I’m still alive and fighting on 🙂 :).

Today has been another unfortunate one for my new beginnings. I couldn’t locate some invoices which my other boss wanted ASAP (I don’t like it when people misuse this acronym in emails. Who feels me? Sigh!), and he shouts in the email (I wonder if ‘shouting’ is possible in emails, but you get what I mean), trying to play the blame game when I didn’t even see the said invoices, hmm, really? Another funny unfortunate episode is that I ate all of my workmates pasta and she was mad even though she didn’t want to admit it. Lol. I was sorry for that of course, but still, what is wrong with me just wanting to have a new beginning with no drama? Kind of feels like forces are working against me, BUT, I’m not going down without a fight yet.

Well, enough of that for now. Part of my new beginnings is reading the Bible. I’ve had the Bible in my room for quite a while now and am ashamed to say that I only kept it there to feel protected, to feel like God was always there with me. Sounds absurd but it’s true. But I know so well that a book just lying around unopened doesn’t necessarily mean that the knowledge from it will be absorbed just by looking at it; I have to open up the book and read it to know what exactly is written inside. This doesn’t mean that I have never read the Bible before, it’s just that this time round, I am reading it with purpose.

Yesterday I was reading about Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. The part that touched me the most was when the Israelites had very little faith in their leader Moses, they thought that the Egyptians would catch up with them and kill them. They told Moses that they were happier being slaves for the Egyptians than dying in the desert. Unbelievable! Isn’t that sad? Can you imagine thousands of people crying out to be enslaved than to be rescued? I don’t blame them though, that is what they had been accustomed to for years and they were uncomfortable with the idea of changed situations and circumstances. They were too familiar with being slaves that they only imagined the worst of their rescue. No one saw freedom, no one saw deliverance, they all saw death in the desert. Seems familiar, like when we are used to bad situations that they actually seem good or better than nothing…better a bad relationship than the end of it, better a bad job than no job, better bitterness and holding on to grudges than forgetting in case the same thing comes back to bite us on the behind again…

But what did Moses say to them? He told them not to be afraid, that the Lord was going to fight for them and deliver them, that they just had to be still. There’s a song we used to sing in High school, the chorus went like,”Be still and know that He is God, there’s no reason to fight, for the battle is not yours, the battle is the Lords.” Back then I didn’t know that the song was inspired by the crossing the read sea story in the Bible, now I know :).

For some reason, I will never forget this word. Many are the times we are afraid to take that bold step of faith because we think we will fail. I remember part of the verse when Moses was telling the Israelites that the Lord would deliver them, and God asked Moses why he was crying out to him, in the sense like God was telling him I have already given you my word, you do as I said and I will take care of the rest. Man, sometimes we just get the word from God, and all we need to do is just go! I know for sure that God’s promises are yes and Amen, but we still look back and ask Him, “Are you sure God?”

I have questioned God enough times. I have doubted that the place He has sometimes put me in is better than the place he has removed me from. This reading just made it clear for me. The moment I decide to go, I should just surrender totally and believe that God will send his angel to walk behind me, that he will not allow the enemy to catch up with me no matter how bad the circumstances look like, that he will always fight my battles for me and win, as long as it’s His will and His word, I should just stay still and let him work his wonders.

We do have an amazing God. The same God that delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, may He also deliver you from whatever situation you are in that seems impossible to be delivered from. Meditate on His word, believe in His promises, call to Him to fight your battles, and stay still and know that he is truly Lord 🙂

Be encouraged, be blessed.

I Am Bush_Locked 🙂